The NaNoWriMo Tag

nanowrimo tag

This tag was created by Kristina Horner on youtube and I found it on Tamara’s blog Tamaraniac and decided to do it myself. Even if Kristina created it with booktubers in mind I’m sure she won’t mind if us regular bloggers get on it as well 😀

1. How many times have you done NaNoWriMo?

I’ve done it every year since 2009, so this is my 7th year. I’ve reached 50k every time, woo. 

2. How did you first find out about NaNoWriMo?

I don’t even remember. I probably heard about it somewhere in relation to fanfiction writing. I think I first heard about it in 2008 and then must have forgotten about it because I found it again next year, on October 31st. So I decided to join on a whim and began to write right when the clock hit midnight. Good times.

3. What was the name of the first novel you attempted with NaNo?

The Black Unicorn. Hahaha. It’s kind of a magical realism type thing. It wasn’t very good and it was completely pantsed. It still doesn’t have an ending and it probably won’t ever get one because that story made no sense and I can’t be bother to try to rewrite it. 

4. Give us a 1 sentence summary of what you’re writing this year.

I’m pantsing again so I don’t even know if I can give you a summary yet. I’ll try though. It’s going to be about a gay couple who used to be in a band together but were forced to break up by their management as to not “ruin their image”. Several years later one of them is struggling to make the ends meet back home while the other one is surging into stardom with his new band. It might get a bit of a “Skater Boy” vibe. 

5. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever been given?

No idea. Maybe the reminder that first drafts are always shit, it doesn’t matter who you are and how long you’ve been writing. Everyone needs to edit and rewrite and there’s no need to despair if your first draft is a hot mess. 

6. Did you ever take a year off from NaNo? Why?

Nope! I’d feel like that would kind of ruin my nice winning streak. 

7. What’s your biggest inspiration when figuring out what to write?

I’ve written fanfiction almost every year, so my fandoms are huge inspirations. That said, all my stories have been quite AU and deviate a lot from the source material. I get a lot of inspiration from music too, that’s how I came to my plot this year. 

8. Read us the first sentence from one of your novels.

Oh, god. Okay, I’m going to go with one of the novels that’s not fanficiton. This is from The Shade of Darkness, my NaNo story from 2012. I haven’t even looked at it since 2012 so don’t judge.

“The dream catcher was enormous, way bigger than a human head, with one large circle and two smaller ones attached below it on the sides.”

Edit: I saw another blogger who decided to post the first sentence of all the NaNo stories, and I thought I’d do that too. Why not. 

2009: The room was quiet except for stifled sobs and people shuffling in their seats.
2010: If Tom had known this would have happened he would never have gotten out of bed that day. (This is so cliche, I hate it.)
Friend. That was his name. Friend. Just Friend. No last name, no middle name, just Friend. (slightly more than a sentence, but whatever)
2012: (See above)
2013: It had been too long. 
“I’ll be back by nine, just call me if there’s any trouble.”

9. Why do you love writing?

I don’t know how to answer this, except that it’s fun. I enjoy it a lot. Plus, the fanfiction community is great and it’s awesome to be able to get that much feedback from a story. I want to write stories that can engage people, and I want to write the books that I want to read. So that’s basically it. 

If you’re also doing NaNoWriMo this year I’d love to read your answers to these questions! Let me know what you’re writing this year 😀

Typewriter image is designed by Freepik.

Book Traveling Thursday #8 | A Scary Book

book traveling thursday
It’s Thursday and time for another Book Traveling Thursday. This weekly 
meme was created by Cátia @ The Girl Who Read Too Much and Danielle @ Danielle’s Book Blog. Visit their Goodreads group to learn more about Book Traveling Thursday 🙂

The rules are to share covers related to the weekly theme where you include the original cover, the cover from your country, your favorite, and your least favorite.

This week’s theme is “a book that scared you”, in true Halloween fashion. Not many books (if any) have really scared me since I was a child, so I’m going to go with a horror book that I think will have the most cover variety and that will also exist in Norwegian. That narrowed down the horror genre quite a lot for me, so I chose to go with the Swedish book Let the Right One In (2004) by John Ajvide Lindqvist. 

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Top Ten Tuesday | 10 Books That Creeped me Out

Top then tuesday

This weekly meme was was created by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme a Halloween themed freebie, and I chose to go with books that creeped me out. This will include both books I’ve read recently and books that gave me nightmares as a child. They’re not necessary all horror books, they just all have something creepy in them. 

These will be in no particular order. 

1. HOUSE OF LEAVES (Mark Z. Danielewski)

creepy booksThis book is great. it can’t even be described, it has to be experienced, but it’s far from an easy read and it’s not for everyone so I wouldn’t recommend just jumping into it. I’m planning on doing a nostalgic book review on this one pretty soon so watch out for that. A lot about this book is really creepy, but the part that stands out to me the most is when Johnny describes the feeling of someone watching you from behind, coming closer and closer. My neck started prickling and I had to move to my bedroom where I could sit with my back against the wall, hahaha. I wish I could find the passage and show you but the book is way too long to be able to find it. 

2. HORRORSTÖR (Grady Hendrix)

creepy booksThis book isn’t overwhelmingly scary, but there was one scene that really freaked me out that had to do with a woman inside a wall. Shudder. [my review]





3. ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD (Kendare blake)

creepy booksThis one isn’t really that scary either (at least not to me, but I still loved it), but I can’t deny that Anna paints a terrifying image and one part near the end made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Plus there’s quite a bit of gore, like limbs being ripped off. 





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Review: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl 
by Jesse Andrews

Published by Amulet Books in 2012
Pages: 295
Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary
Buy: Amazon | Book Depository
 photo two half_zpsfshnyiqu.png





This book is Jesse Andrew’s debut novel, and I admit I’ve mostly only been interested in it because of the title and the cover. I’m cheap like that. 

A quick summary: The book is epistolary in the sense that the main character, Greg, is writing this book about his experiences with “the dying girl”, Rachel. Greg is kind of an asshole and he prides himself on the fact that he has no friends (except Earl). Greg and Earl make movies in their spare time, and most of the time the movies suck. One day, Greg’s mom tells him that Rachel has been diagnosed with caner and Greg should go spend some time with her because you and Rachel are friends, right? Didn’t you two use to date? Long story short: Greg is forced by his mom to spend time with a girl with cancer, who also happens to be the only one who likes their shitty movies. Suddenly Greg and Earl feel they have to make a movie for Rachel before she dies.  

Again, Greg is kind of an asshole, but he’s supposed to be. And he knows he is. He isn’t very likable, but once again, I doubt he’s intended to be likable. That’s a turn-off for a lot of people, but I don’t mind unlikable main characters. Earl is more likable though, you have to cheer a little towards the end when he serves some real truth to Greg about his behavior towards Rachel. 

This book is a funny book. Yes, a comedic cancer book. Of course that depends on your type of humor, but I found myself chuckling here and there, and I had one proper laugh at the line “Possibly racist silence” after Rachel meets Earl. 

This book is nothing like, let’s say, The Fault In Our Stars, so you shouldn’t come into this one thinking you’ll get something like that. This book doesn’t contain romance and it doesn’t try to make grand declarations about life and death and love. No, this book says it like it is right from the beginning in Greg’s author’s notes. Excuse me for the long quote, but I think it’s very important to understand this book. 

“You may have already figured out that it’s about a girl who had cancer. So there’s a chance you’re thinking, ‘Awesome! This is going to be a wise and insightful story about love and death and growing up. It’s probably going to make me cry literally the entire time. I am so fired up right now.’ If that is an accurate representation of your thoughts, you should probably try to smush this book into a garbage disposal and then run away. Because here’s the thing: I learned absolutely nothing from Rachel’s leukemia.

(…) This book contains precisely zero Important Life Lessons, or Little-Known Facts About Love, or sappy tear-jerking Moments When We Knew We Had Left Our Childhood Behind for Good, or whatever. And, unlike most books in which a girl gets cancer, there are definitely no sugary paradoxical single-sentence-paragraphs that you’re supposed to think are deep because they’re in italics. Do you know what I’m talking about? I’m talking about sentences like this:

The cancer had taken her eyeballs, yet she saw the world with more clarity than ever before.”

I really loved The Fault In Our Stars though, but then again I haven’t read any other cancer books. I can see how a lot of people could be tired of the “cancer romances”. Even though I haven’t read many “cancer romances”, I appreciated this new twist from Andrews and I really wish I liked it more than I did because I feel like it’s more realistic than books like TFIOS. But oh well, what can you do. 

I can only say that while it was funny at times, I did find it quite boring and often not that engaging. I wish more things happened. It just didn’t reach me, I guess, but that doesn’t mean it won’t reach you! I have faith that the movie might still be good though, you can see the trailer here if you haven’t already seen the movie. 

Have you read this book? What did you think? How does it compare to the movie? 

Top 5 Wednesday #5 | Authors Discovered This Year


Top 5 Wednesday was created by gingerreadslainey. If you want to join Top 5 Wednesday take a look at the Goodreads group!

The topic of today is authors you discovered this year. I usually don’t get hung up on one author, meaning that if I read one or two or even five good books from them doesn’t make me buy their next book without knowing anything about it. I still judge the individual books and not the author, because all books are different. 

That said, here are the authors that I discovered this year that I really loved. 

Becky Albertalli

She’s a debut author so the only book she’s published is Simon VS. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, but it’s a really great book so Albertalli belongs on this list. I’ll be on the look-out for what she publishes next, which seems to be a companion novel for Simon VS.? Nice.



Kendare blake

I bought Anna Dressed In Blood years ago, but I only read it in June this year so she still counts as newly discovered. I really enjoyed that book and I’d check out more books from her, probably. I’m planning on reading the sequel soon. 



Gillian Flynn

This is another one that I’ve definitely heard of long before this year, but only got around to reading this summer. I read Gone Girl and loved it, and I’m planning on reading Dark Places pretty soon. Flynn is awesome. I wish I had her twisted brain. 

Patrick Ness

After having read four books from him this year he’s as close to an auto-buy author as they can get for me. I’ll definitely research all his future books and consider reading them all. I especially love More Than This and the Chaos Walking series. I’m not sure if I’m gonna read The Rest of Us Just Live Here. Maybe. 


Victoria (V.E.) SCHWAB

Another very nearly auto-buy-author, just because of how much I loved Vicious. I’m reading A Darker Shade of Magic right now and I’m finding it okay this far, but you better believe I’ll be the first in line when the sequel to Vicious comes out. Take my money. 

Who’s on your list? 

My Life In Books Tag

I was tagged by Ashley @ Socially Awkward Bookworm and Paige @ Page By Paige. Thank you both 🙂 Go check out their blogs! 

Without further ado, here’s the tag. 

Find a book for each of your initials


Anna Dressed in Blood


Knife of Never Letting Go (The)

Count your age along your bookshelf- which book is it?

The 24th book on my shelf was Room by Emma Donaghue. I didn’t include all the manga when I counted. 

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Top 5 Wednesday #4 | Diverse Characters


Top 5 Wednesday was created by gingerreadslainey. If you want to join Top 5 Wednesday take a look at the Goodreads group!

The topic of today is diverse characters, so I’ll be focusing on the race and sexuality part of diversity. These are in no particular order. 

(Titles take you to the book’s Goodreads page)

Seth wearing (MORE THAN THIS)

17262303The best thing about Seth’s sexuality is that it’s not part of the overall major plot, it’s just a part of him. I really liked reading about Seth. Another great main character is this book is Regine, a black girl.





Source: petternote @deviantart

This book is cute, cute, cute. Our two main characters are Mexican-American, one more lighter skinned than the other, and they both come to terms with their sexuality throughout this book. I couldn’t pick between Ari and Dante so I included them as a package deal. 

Alana (SAGA)

19358975This is an incredibly diverse graphic novel series, at least racially. There are also some gay characters. My favorite is Alana (above) but I also really love Gwendolyn (adult on the left), I love the way she’s drawn, she’s gorgeous and badass.





19547856Simon is another fun character that I really enjoyed reading about. While this is in part a coming-out-story, that isn’t really the focus of the book, and I like that. The focus is Simon’s online relationship with the anonymous Blue. I’d say more relevant things about Blue but I don’t want to spoil anyone. 




Rue (the hunger games)

Source: Patsie @deviantart
Oh, Rue. Such a sweet little girl, but so brave and kickass. The most frustrating thing about her is that she was clearly described as a black girl in the books, but still some people flipped their shit when a black girl was cast in the role. I give up on society. 

Who’s on your list?