Beginner Writing Tips #2 | Commas!

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It’s been a while since my last one and I felt like posting another after stumbling across a few unfortunate self-published works that seemed to think commas are overrated. 

Disclaimer: I am in no shape or form an expert. I’m doing this mostly because I love sharing tips. 

Sometimes these tips will be specifically aimed towards fanfiction writers.

I have also posted these tips on tumblr before, so if you for some reason should have stumbled upon these, rest assured they haven’t been stolen. Unless someone else stole them from me. Which I doubt. 

Previous posts:

Beginner Writing Tips #1 – Dialogue Punctuation

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Beginner Writing Tips #1 | Dialogue Punctuation

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I don’t know about you, but I love to write. I mostly write fanfiction, but the goal is to someday write something that I can have published.

I’ve been writing stories since I was a wee child and then I began to write fanfiction at 15. Back then my English was really really bad and I didn’t actually know much about the technicalities of writing (things like dialogue punctuation etc.). Needless to say my old fics on should never be read by anyone ever. Kill it with fire. 

In this “series” I’ll share some of my writing tips that will help your overall presentation. I also have these on my tumblr blog so if you should have stumbled upon this exact thing before rest assured it’s still me. This series will be quite basic and suitable for beginners, short and to the point. In other words, these are the things I wish I’d googled before I started to post my writing online.

Disclaimer: I am in no shape or form an expert. I’m doing this mostly because I love sharing tips. 

Sometimes these tips will be specifically aimed towards fanfiction writers.

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