Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

I wasn’t tagged by anyone, but I love this tag and I did it last year (at least I think I did) so I feel like I have to do it again this year. How are we halfway through 2016 already?? Yikes.

The tag was created by Chami @ ReadLikeWildFire and Ely @ Ely Jayne. It’s where we look back at (and freak out over) the books we’ve read during the past six months.

Best Book You’ve Read So Far In 2016

13600168Possibly Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor, which I read in early February. I really love that book a lot, the writing is just stunning and so is the world-building. I have to say though that The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater might be a close runner-up, as well as Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.





Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far In 2016

22363172I’ve only read one sequel so far this year, so the award must go to Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor. I loved it though, I gave it 4.5 stars.






New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To

2603069728696452This Savage Song by V.E. Schwab is high on my tbr. So is Fellside by M.R. Carey. I’ve purchased both and they’re sitting on my shelf waiting for me to pick them up. I might actually be more excited about Fellside at the moment (I really loved The Girl With All the Gifts and Fellside seems to be about ghosts!), but we’ll see which one I end up liking more.


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The Music Tag

the music tag

I was tagged by Sara @ Freadom Library. Thank you! I love music, so this is a fun tag.

All the titles are links, so you can listen to the songs.


  1. List the first 10 songs that come on shuffle (no skipsies).
  2. Then write your favorite lyric (or verse) from each song.
  3. Tag/link others.

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Emotionally Captivating: Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick [REVIEW]

18774013Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick
First published by in January 2013 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Tags: Young Adult, Contemporary

Buy: Amazon | Book Depository | B&N 

Source: Library

Rating:  photo five stars_zpsr2o5iiuv.png

Today is Leonard Peacock’s birthday. It is also the day he hides a gun in his backpack. Because today is the day he will kill his former best friend, and then himself, with his grandfather’s P-38 pistol.

But first he must say good-bye to the four people who matter most to him: his Humphrey Bogart-obsessed next-door neighbor, Walt; his classmate, Baback, a violin virtuoso; Lauren, the Christian homeschooler he has a crush on; and Herr Silverman, who teaches the high school’s class on the Holocaust. Speaking to each in turn, Leonard slowly reveals his secrets as the hours tick by and the moment of truth approaches.

In this riveting look at a day in the life of a disturbed teenage boy, acclaimed author Matthew Quick unflinchingly examines the impossible choices that must be made—and the light in us all that never goes out.


You ever feel like you’re sending out a light but no one sees it?

First off, the name Leonard Peacock is amazing. Second, this book is amazing. I’ve wanted to read it ever since the first time I read the synopsis, and when I found it at the library I just had to bring it home.

I inhaled it in one sitting. Wow. This is exactly the kind of book I love to read. As someone who loves to read about dark, twisted, and dangerous people, especially teens, this was perfect for me. Poor, poor Leonard. Someone give him a hug and a good psychiatrist. The way he so desperately wanted to be saved broke my heart.

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Make Me Read It Readathon | Wrap-Up

make me read it readathon


So I spontaneously decided to start this readathon that was happening during a week where I had work every day. Terrible idea, but whatever, I did get some reading done. Thank you to everyone who voted for what I should read!

To recap, here’s what you voted.

make me readathonMy TBR was as follows:

I knew full well I wouldn’t finish all these books in a week though, because of my work. So what I ended up reading was actually just one book, The Raven Boys. But I loved it a whole lot, more than I thought it would, so I would call it a success anyway. What precious, precious characters.17675462

I read about 2% of Crown of Midnight, which is 14 pages. LOL. I tried.


That brings me to a total of 433 pages. Oh well, it’s better than nothing!

Did you participate in this readathon? What did you read?

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Top 5 Wednesday (13) | Sequel, please!

top 5 wednesday

It’s been a while since I’ve done a T5W but I felt like I could answer this topic, so yay. Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey @ gingerreadslainey and is currently hosted by Sam @ ThoughtsOnTomes. If you want to join Top 5 Wednesday take a look at the Goodreads group!

The topic of today is 

July 13th: Books You Wish Had Sequels
— Standalones that you wish had a sequel or the last book in the series that you wish wasn’t the last.

Most of these aren’t books that I necessarily need a sequel to, but if there was one then I wouldn’t complain.

Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas



This is one of those books where I’m not really dying for a sequel, but it’d be fun. Or just a companion novel from another character’s POV could work too, that’d be interesting. If you haven’t read this book then you really should, it’s great, I gave it 5 out of 5 stars. 




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Make Me Read It Readathon | TBR (POLL RESULTS)

make me read it readathon


Yesterday I spontaneously decided to join this readathon. I didn’t have a ton of time to get votes from you guys, but I got enough, so thank you everyone who voted! If you want to know more about what this readathon is about then check out my last post.

Here are the results

make me readathon

I’m not surprised by how this poll went down, haha.

Thus, my TBR this week is

I doubt I’ll get around to more than that, I don’t even know if I can finish all of these in a week because I’ve got work almost every day. I’ll try though! I’ve started The Raven Boys and I’m way more intrigued than I thought I’d be.

Follow me on twitter @anettesbooks for more updates through the readathon. I’ve already made some Raven Boys predictions.

Thank you again for voting!


Are you participating in this readathon? What are you reading? 

Follow me on Twitter | Goodreads | Bloglovin’ | Instagram

Make Me Read It Readathon [POLL CLOSED]

make me read it readathon

Eeek! I spontaneously decided I wanted to join this readathon the day before it starts. Not ideal, especially not for a readathon that requires that people vote for the books you’re reading, but oh well, let’s try anyway. Even just a few votes will be helpful. 

This readathon is hosted by Ely & Val.

It works like this

Look at the books you own, either physical, e-book or ones you’ve borrowed from the library and pick out a few you really want to read, or feel like you should read. It’s up to you how many you pick, personally I’d pick a few more than you expect to be able to read in a week. Example: if you think you’ll only read two, pick out five books or if you think you can read seven, pick out ten.

Make a list of these books on your blog, or make a video, or a Goodreads shelf or post a picture on Instagram—whatever is easiest for you. Then get friends, other bloggers/booktubers etc. to vote on which books you HAVE to read.

When the read-a-thon comes along, you read the books in the order of most votes. For example, if one book gets 10 votes—you read that first, then the one that got 7 and so on. If there’s a tie, then it’s your preference. The goal is to read as many as possible.

When is it happening? 

The read-a-thon will take place from the 9th to the 16th of July in your timezone. 

You can vote for the following books

I’ll probably go with 3-4 of them, depending on how many votes I manage to get. If any…

Please only vote for maximum 3 books.


Let me know what you voted! Like I said, there’s only about 7 hours left until it’s the 9th in my timezone, so please help me out 😀 And if you’re like me, still frantically collecting votes, feel free to post a link to it and I’ll give you a vote as well. 

Are you participating in this readathon? What are you reading? 

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