Top Ten Tuesday | Things I Gave Up On


This weekly meme was was created by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is “Ten Bookish Things I Want to Quit Or Have Quit (aka ten book series I think I’m going to abandon, ten bookish habits I want to quit, ten authors I quit reading, ten types of books I’m quitting, ten tropes I want to stop reading about, ten books I marked as DNF (did not finish) recently, etc. Get as creative as you want)“. 

I decided to do a “books/series/authors I gave up on” list this week. There might be some snark here, remember it’s only directed towards the book and not at whoever enjoys said book. 

1. The Divergent trilogy (Veronica roth)

I read the first one and I liked it, but I’ve heard way too many terrible things about the next two books to ever bother reading them. 

2. marked (P.C. & Kristin cast)

only got a couple of chapters into the first book before I felt my brain cells slowly dying. Sorry, can’t do it. 

3. Eragon (Christopher Paolini)

I don’t know how old I was when I started reading this book, maybe 15. I remember thinking the beginning was interesting, but it lost me eventually and I quit about halfway through because it was too boring. I do see why other people would like this though. 

4. Fifty Shades of Grey (E.L. JAMES)

That is all. The only good thing about this book was all the laughs it gave me for being awful. I give it A+ for that. 

5. Matched (Ally Condie)

I’ve also only read a few chapters of the first book, but it wasn’t my thing. Plus I’ve also heard terrible things about the second book. 

6. Cassandra Clare

I haven’t read any of her books, but sometimes I just can’t separate the person from their work so it’s unlikely I’ll be reading anything by her. You probably know what I’m getting at, especially if you are or used to be in the Harry Potter fandom. 

7. HANDLING THE UNDEAD (John Ajvide Lindqvist)

This is actually not a bad book and I quite liked it, but for some reason I put it down and now it’s been years. I probably won’t bother picking it back up again because I have so much else to read. I don’t know what happened. 

8. CATCH-22 (Joseph Heller)

This was on my syllabus August last year, and so many people in my class loved it and found it hilarious but to me it was torture. It annoyed me so much and I couldn’t finish it. 

9. The Uglies series (Scott Westerfeld)

I’ve read the first book and I liked it, but now it’s been so long since I read it that it’s highly unlikely that I’ll bother with the rest. I’m also not very interested in finding out what happens. 

10. THE LUNAR CHRONICLES (Marissa Meyer)

Cinder was alright, but I wasn’t impressed enough to want to read more. Maybe someday I’ll read the second one, but not in the near future. It was just way too predictable and there was so little world-building. And don’t ask me to describe Prince Kai because I don’t remember anything of his personality. So bland. 

What are some books or series that you just couldn’t finish? 

22 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday | Things I Gave Up On

  1. ariastuckinwonderland says:

    I’m actually at the point where I am giving up on Cassie Clare’s books. 😦
    I haven’t read the last book of TMI but I did love the Infernal Devices. So I am a bit torned. 😦


  2. Cate T. says:

    I should’ve given up on Divergent when I still had the time. Now, I’m in too deep. I realized it too late that it wasn’t as good as other people said it was.


  3. Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

    I also have no interest in the Divergent trilogy. I own the first book so I’ll probably read it but I’m not planning on reading the other two. I do really love The Lunar Chronicles though. It’s one of my favourite series. There are a lot of new characters introduced in Scarlet and Cress (and Cress was so mindblowingly good!!!) – I hope you give the other books a try, even if it’s in the distant future. I do agree with you about the world building though. I don’t have a clear sense of where and what New Beijing is.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anette says:

      Ahhhh, that’s just how I am with series! Unless I loved the first one at a near obsessive level I almost always end up dropping the rest of it. I’m spoiled for Divergent though, because I just didn’t care so I went to read what happened and now I care even less, hahaha. Thanks for commenting!


      • Ayunda says:

        Wow that sounds really interesting, a thesis comparing the two characters? I actually really liked both Katniss and Tris and they do have their differences, but I think I like Katniss better.


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