Book Traveling Thursday (25) | Favorite 2016 Read

It’s Thursday and time for another Book Traveling Thursday. This weekly meme was created by Cátia @ The Girl Who Read Too Much and Danielle @ Danielle’s Book Blog. Visit their Goodreads group to learn more about Book Traveling Thursday 🙂

The rules are to share covers related to the weekly theme where you include the original cover, the cover from your country, your favorite, and your least favorite. I’ve decided to go for a top 3 and bottom 3 arrangement, because that’s more fun and I get to showcase more covers. 

This week’s theme is “It’s almost the end of the year… Choose one of your favorite books of 2016!” I have to pick a book that I read in 2016, not a book that came out in 2016 as I don’t think I’ve read a lot of new releases. And I just really wanted to do this book, ok. I went with The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater. I just found it to be such a beautiful book, it took me completely by surprise. It was so much more complex than I’d thought it would be. I’m dying to continue the series. 



 I actually dislike this one quite a bit. I think it’s the font on the author’s name that really cheapens the look.



top-3-coversthe raven boysI like this altered version of the original cover. It looks more professional with the font style plus the colors are more vibrant. I also like the German one, it’s got a fairytale vibe which fits this story a lot. I’m not sure if the last one is an actual cover that exists or if a fanmade cover snuck onto Goodreads?? Report back to me on that. 


All of these are butt ugly. The first one has no feeling whatsoever, there was no effort put into this. The second one is just a mess with way too much going on (+ bad editing). The Russian one just doesn’t fit the book in my opinion, it looks more like something that would be on a sci-fi novel. 

Which cover’s your favorite? What’s your favorite book this year?

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6 thoughts on “Book Traveling Thursday (25) | Favorite 2016 Read

  1. Reg @ She Latitude says:

    Ooh, I’ve never seen this title with any other covers except the bird-white ones! I can’t seem to connect the story with those other covers that you’ve chosen, but that English one with the person on the cover isn’t bad… though I don’t think it suits the story very well. I can see that being a fanmade cover, actually. 🤔


  2. amortalreader1 says:

    Oo I had never seen any of the other covers for this book series, I agree with you completely. I am definitely not a fan of the Bulgarian one, I HATE models on the front of books. Just let us imagine the characters with no influence on the front please!


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