First Impressions: A Gathering of Shadows

a gathering of shadows review

Well, this is not going to be a proper review, because I’ve only read the preview from NetGalley, though it was a lot longer than I thought it would be. I think it was the first 155 pages or so, at least according to my kindle. 

A Gathering of Shadows is the second book in V.E. Schwab’s fantasy series Shades of Magic. As you might know, I didn’t really like the first book, A Darker Shade of Magic, but I wanted to read this preview just to see if I’d like it better. And yeah, I think I do, at least a little bit. Maybe enough to buy the book and finish it. 

The book starts four months after the events in the first one. Lila is on a pirate ship (sort of) and Kell is walking around, not doing much of interest. The writing style still isn’t really speaking to me, I still think it’s flat and dry and I wish it was livelier. But I enjoyed Lila’s chapters and I like Captain Alucard. I’m also interested in what Holland’s doing as well as Rhy and how he feels about what Kell did in the last book, he doesn’t seem to be handling it very well. Kell’s chapters bore me more often than not though. 

I don’t know what else to say about this because I don’t think the plot really begins until somewhere after the first 155 pages that I read. So it’s a slow start, again. But slightly more enjoyable than the last, so there’s that. 

Have you read this preview/the ARC? What did you think? Or if you haven’t, are you looking forward to reading the book? I know I’m the black sheep when it comes to ADSOM…

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7 thoughts on “First Impressions: A Gathering of Shadows

  1. Brigid Gorry-Hines says:

    I hadn’t heard of these books before but the cover art is so cool! The plot descriptions also sound interesting––although I see you didn’t like the writing style, which makes me more hesitant. But I might still give the first book a try at some point!


    • Anette @ Anette Reads says:

      You should read it! I’m basically the only one on earth who doesn’t like it XD I don’t really know why, I just didn’t find it engaging at all. Like, technically it’s a good book, but the writing came across as too dull for me so I found myself constantly zoning out while reading. I really love her book Vicious, but ADSOM doesn’t have the same oomph as that one 😦

      Liked by 1 person

      • transhaan says:

        HAHAH Okay maybe you ARE picky 😉 nono kidding ! We all like different things and I can’t wait to find out about that writing :O I heard good things about Vicious too! Never read the blurb tho LOL and it happens to me sometimes when the writing is jst not..connecting with me -_-


      • Anette @ Anette Reads says:

        Vicious is amazing, I finished it in one single setting ❤ It's basically about two guys who were best friends in college, found a way to develop super powers, and are now mortal enemies a couple years later. It's perfect hahaha *_*


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