Summer Read Book Tag

I was tagged by Ashley @ sociallyawkwardbookworm, so here we go!

Summer Read Book Tag

LEMONADE: pick a book that started off bitter, but got better.

6794Cloud Atlas. That first and last bit is really hard to concentrate on, at least for me. If you’ve read it you know what I mean!




GOLDEN SUN: pick a book that made you smile beyond compare.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.820344 So this book made me both horribly sad and incredibly happy when I first read it and it still makes me feel like that so hey, it’s perfect.




TROPICAL FLOWERS: pick a book set in a foreign country.

6794Because most books that I read probably take place in the US or UK I’m not going to pick any of those. So I pick The God of Small Things that takes place in India. 




TREE SHADE: pick a book in which a mysterious or shady character was first introduced.

820344Holland in A Darker Shade of Magic. I’m only 160 pages into this book but I’m still going to pick it. I find Holland very mysterious and incredibly intriguing this far. More of him!



BEACH SAND: pick a book that was grainy, and the plot barely developed.

6794Fifty Shades of Blah Grey. NO PLOT. NONE. WHO NEEDS A PLOT. WHO CARES, UNIMPORTANT, OVERRATED, OVERBLOWN. THERE’S BARELY EVEN ANY SEXYTIMES EITHER SO IF YOU THINK “OH WELL WHO NEEDS A PLOT IF THERE’S PEOPLE DOING THE DO” THEN THINK AGAIN. This book has nothing. Nada. Terrible on so many levels. I only tortured myself reading half of this book before my brain couldn’t take it anymore. One of these days I’m going to finish it just because live-tweeting all the ridiculousness is so much fun, but that day is not today. 

GREEN GRASS: pick a character(s) that were full of life, making you smile.

6794Little Polish Tomasz in More Than This. What a cutie, I love him. He is, if anything, full of the will to live if not full of life in the happy, frolicking way. 




WATERMELON: pick a book that had some juicy secrets.

6794The Knife of Never Letting Go. This book is all about secrecy and hiding things. What happened to the women???




SUN HAT: pick a book that had a vast, big universe/setting.

6794A Game of Thrones. Epic fantasy with a fully developed and complex world.




BBQ: pick a book in which a character was portrayed as a hunk.

6794Prince Kai from Cinder is a hunk, isn’t he? I don’t remember. Probably, he’s a fairytale prince after all. 




Summer is ending, or have pretty much ended where I live, so I tag whoever wants to do it 🙂

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