Finished Series I Have Yet to Finish | Top Ten Tuesday

I’ve decided to alternate between Top 5 Wednesday and Top Ten Tuesday, because both memes have interesting topics that I want to do.

This weekly meme was was created by The Broke and the Bookish.

Ten Nine Finished Series I Have Yet to Finish

I am an expert at dropping series, often for no good reason. Sometimes I just wait too long to pick up the next book that I just can’t be bothered at all. I have completed very few series. 



I got the next two books from the library, so I’m going to read them both within the next month. I’m not dropping this one!


I loved Anna Dressed in Blood a lot and I’m planning on reading Girl of Nightmares. Sometime. I need to order it first.




Divergent Series Complete Box Set (Divergent, #1-3)

I enjoyed the first book, but not enough for me to be interested in reading the next two. Additionally I’ve heard so much bad things about the rest of the series that there’s no way I’m going to bother. Plus I know how it ends, so it’s not like I’d be reading just to find out what happens either. So eh, this one is definitely dropped. 



I’ve read The Giver, but I don’t know if I’m going to continue on with this series. From what I’ve gathered they’re all from different parts of the world, i.e. the sequel won’t deal with the characters in The Giver, so I don’t know. Maybe. 


I read the first one years ago and I also own the second, but it’s taken me so long between the two books that I don’t really know if I can be bothered picking this series back up. Maybe someday if I suddenly feel like it. There’s also another book, Extras, but that’s more like a spin-off or an companion novel of sorts, isn’t it? And is it just me or does the model on the cover of Specials look so much like Helena Bonham Carter?





I read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe when I was 12, but I haven’t read any more than that and probably won’t either. From what I remember it’s a good book though, so I’d recommend it to children. I was a gigantic fan of the BBC TV series though, that was amazing. 








I’m cheating a little, because this series isn’t technically completed yet as the last book comes out on September 22nd so a few people have completed it, but I’m running out of series so I’m counting it. I’ve only read the first book, wasn’t impressed, got the second one for my birthday so I’ll get to it eventually. Maybe it gets better. 


I believe there are 13 books in this series, and I’ve read one. They’re very very short and easy to read though, so there’s that. Aren’t they making a TV show of this? I’m excited. 



I read The Talented Mr. Ripley for my crime course in uni and even though I really liked it I haven’t picked up the rest. I guess I’m not that interested in continuing it. The first one was good though and I also like the movie (Jude Law looks stunning it it). If you want to read a novel from the criminal’s point of view then I really recommend this. 

10. ????????? I don’t know, I don’t think I have any more except for some obscure childhood books that I don’t feel like adding. 9 it is!

So there we have it, these are pretty much all of my unfinished finished series, if we don’t count the obscure childhood books. 

 EDIT: I completely forgot about the books I’ve DNF’d, they count too. Those include Fifty Shades of Grey, Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle series), and Marked (House of Night series). The first and the latter were just plain terrible, and Eragon wasn’t really for me even though it was pretty good. Is House of Night even finished? It should be. 

17 thoughts on “Finished Series I Have Yet to Finish | Top Ten Tuesday

  1. Ashley says:

    I loved the Giver Quartet and they are pretty short reads. In the end all the stories tie together. I was a little skeptical when I started the second book, because I’m like “wait, what happened Jonas and Gabriel”, but after reading the others…it is definitely one of my favorite series. And I promise, they all tie in together!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amy Couttas says:

    I also am have the unfortunate talent of being brilliant at dropping series for no reason!! I haven’t actually read any of the books on your list but I am so eager to start the Chaos Walking and the Peculiar Children books!! Great list 😃😃


  3. sue's reading corner says:

    Same thing happened with me for the Divergent series and The Chronicles of Narnia! I don’t think I’ve ever tried to read the other books in that series (other than The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe). 😀 As for Divergent, I stopped reading midway through Allegiant….


    • Anette says:

      Yeah, I’m sure The Chronicles of Narnia is a great series but I think I might be too old to read them for the first time now hahaha.

      I heard so many horrible things about Insurgent that I’m not even going to try!


    • Anette says:

      Divergent has some problems but the first book is enjoyable enough, I say give it a try. The Giver is really good! Then I tried to watch the movie and I couldn’t even watch halfway through before I was so bored ugh.


  4. Bex says:

    Ack sorry Uglies and Series of Unfortunate Events are on my list but didn’t make my top ten. The giver quartet is worth the read as long as you know that going on its not all like the first book and it does all come together and get resolved by the fourth. I can’t wait to dig into Chaos Walking I’ve had that on my list forever!


    • Anette says:

      Yes, I might give the rest of the series a try eventually. It’s not that I don’t think it’ll be good, it’s just that because it’s not a direct continuation so to speak I’m not in that much of a rush. Chaos Walking is great, at least as far as I’ve read 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Marwhal says:

    We have a few in common! I couldn’t get passed Divergent, either. It wasn’t doing anything for me, and I also got spoiled for the ending (pre-release! how does that even happen??) so any interest I have is definitely gone now.


    • Anette says:

      I pretty much spoiled myself haha. I heard people were freaking out about the ending and since I’d already decided not to read the rest of the series I watched a lot of spoiler reviews on youtube to satisfy my curiosity, haha!


  6. Tamara Nelson-Fromm (@tamaraniac) says:

    I never finished Divergent either. I got halfway through the second books and I was just like “why am I reading this again???” I still need to read the Chaos Walking trilogy, though I read Ness’s new book and felt a little meh about it so now I feel scared I won’t like it as much as everyone does…


    • Anette says:

      The second book seems terrible, I’m not touching it with a ten foot pole! And I don’t think I’ll be reading Ness’s new book either, it doesn’t seem like it’s for me. I really recommend his other stuff, especially Chaos Walking and More Than This!


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